Have you just purchased a new nozzle or hotend or replaced a new bed? 


You may need to require reconfigure PID to ensure the nozzle/bed temperature is not fluctuating. 


Note: Below guide is only applicable to Marlin firmware printers. Please be present and alert when performing below task and capable of stopping the printer in the case of emergency. 


Expected PID Autotune time : 10 - 20 minutes 


Require Programs/hardware:

Please ensure the correct com port is selected prior proceeding on the guide below. 


Hotend Calibration: 

Reference: https://marlinfw.org/docs/gcode/M303.html

Enter below command into terminal: 

M303 E0 C5 S200 U1

It usually best to select most commonly used temperature to calibrate PID. If you usually print higher temperature, please adjust value after "s" to the desire temperature such as "S245" for ABS for instance. 


Heated Bed Calibration: 

Reference: https://marlinfw.org/docs/gcode/M303.html

Enter below command into terminal: 

M303 E-1 C5 S60 U1

It usually best to select most commonly used temperature to calibrate PID. If you usually print higher temperature, please adjust value after "s" to the desire temperature such as "S110" for ABS for instance. 


Saving PID into EEPROM:

Enter below command into terminal: 



Additional NOTE: 

If your printer doesn't have EEPROM, you will need insert PID value into your gcode/slicer. 


Extruder: M301 E0 P[p value] I[i value] D[d value]


M301 E0 P41.2 I0.05 D8

NOTE: Above value is random, please DO NOT COPY. Please use value generated using M303 command. 




Example: M304 P[p value] I[i value] D[d value]

M304 P41.2 I0.05 D8

NOTE: Above value is random, please DO NOT COPY. Please use value generated using M303 command. 



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